Buyer Journey

Meet the 'Behavior-Based Blueprint Builder' inside your CRM

Quickly construct a buyer journey based on individual prospect behavior, delivering targeted content that effectively nurtures them towards a decision.

Buyer Personas

Quickly create ultra-targeted buyer personas for your products and services using the built-in AI automation. From there you can create niche specific audiences so your team has a full 360 view of the different types of buyers, leads and data to help move them to a YES.

Journey Pipelines

Pipelines can be created for your specific buyer journeys. Instead of the generic labels you'll be able to customize your steps, status and pipeline to fit your exact needs without writing any code. 

Pipelines can be created for your specific buyer journeys. Instead of the generic labels you'll be able to customize your steps, status and pipeline to fit your exact needs without writing any code. 

Stage Specific Content

Combine the AI driven buyer persona, audiences and use this information to create and deliver the right message and content to the right prospect at the perfect time. Everything is fully automated and only takes a few minutes to generate.

Here's Why PushButtonCRM Makes Sense For Most Companies


One Time Fee

For a small one-time fee you can now control your CRM future by reducing long term costs and saving time.


All Source Code

You'll get a copy of the full source code to both the web app and the mobile app along with all API's.


Full Documentation

All of the code is fully documented. There's also a CodeBot and a support desk to answer any tech questions.

Plus, You'll Receive All Of These Benefits...

Write off 100% of Your Purchase Price Using IRS Code Section 179

There's a little known tax code called Section 179 which allows you to write off 100% of your software purchase. We are fully compliant and meet all of the requirements so your one-time fee actually turns into a full tax write off essentially making PushButtonCRM FREE to your company. 

Hire Our Team (If You Want) 

If you don't have a team or would like us to do the work we'd be happy to. Our goal is to help you optimize your efficiency and workflow by saving you time and money so if you need an extra hand we're available. If not, our full code documentation, code bot and support resources are all available to your team and developers.

Stay in Control Of Your Tech & Data

Owning your tech allows you to stay in control. AI is moving extremely fast (and I mean faster than most people can even comprehend) and the PushButtonCRM platform allows you to plug in almost any LLM, data source or codebase so you'll always have that competitive advantage starting today and in the future.