AI Built In

The only CRM with AI baked in for unlimited automation and possibilities

Expand Your AI

From our prompt categories to our prompt builder everything you can think of can be automated now or in the future.

Langchain, Google & Open AI

  • API's and internal architecture are all done and ready to go. A few simple tweaks is all that is needed to fully customize.

Your PushButtonCRM can ALREADY Do All Of This...

We have created the automations, prompts and API's for your CRM. It's all done, ready to go.

create Buyer Personas

Create buyer persona's for specific products, services and markets with a single click.

Create Audiences

Instantly create and segment your audiences for ultra-targeted campaigns.

Create Sales Funnels

Build a full sales funnel with a few clicks using the prompt builder.

Create Paid Ads

Create hyper targeted Paid Ads with images directly from your CRM. 

Create Blog Posts

High performing content can now be created on demand with only 2 clicks.

Create Emails 

Generate emails for any occasion in a few clicks and send to your prospects.

Create Campaigns

Full multi-step marketing campaigns can now be created in a few minutes.

Reply To Tickets

Have AI reply to your support tickets by answering questions, providing links and much more.

Reply To Emails

Never miss another email as AI can now reply directly to any response.

Create & Assign Tasks

Automate your follow-up, assign tasks with your AI configurations. 

Create Social Content

Quickly create social media content with images which can be shared from your CRM.

Much, Much More

There's a lot more your AI can do and hopefully this gives you a quick overview.

Watch The Video's

Take a look and see if PushButtonCRM will be a good fit for you.